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Alpenrose, your hotel on the Rolle Pass

A welcome straight from the heart

The warm welcome we extend to our guests is the tangible demonstration of our sense of gratitude to the places that, in their eternal charm, hold the essence of magnificence. Here is the imprint of pure nature, for all to enjoy and to call their own. Alpenrose – Easy Dolomites will be your hotel on the Rolle Pass, in the beautiful Dolomite landscape, a UNESCO Heritage site. Whether in summer or in winter – with the proximity of the ski lifts and ski slopes of the area – we are ready to offer you the best of an experience that encapsulates the comfort of rooms, gourmet foods that owe their flavour to the unique territory and an ideal location to enjoy the sumptuous selection of outdoor activities, while the imposing Pale di San Martino will make a striking backdrop to your unforgettable stay.

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